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Stem Cells

These are those primitive cells in embryo from which all organs are made.
Liver stem cells make liver.
Brain stem cells make brain ,spinal cord and nerves.
Kidney stem cells make kidney.
Bone stem cells make bones.

Sources Of Stem Cells:

  1. Umbilical cord
  2. Bone Marrow
  3. SVF(Stromal vascular fraction)__From Fat
We use stem cells of umbilical cord because these are embryonic stem cells fully capable of regenerating any organ.Moreover only blood group matching is required in this case. No HLA typing(tissue matching) is involved as is the case in bone marrow stem cells. Hence chances of reaction are nearly zero for umbilical cord stem cells.

Functional types of Stem Cells

1-Replacement Stem Cells

These are modified umbilical cord stem cells used for repair of any organ

2-Pugin stem cells/killer stem cells

These are modified umbilical cord stem cells used for treatment of all cancers, epilepsy etc

Liver specific stem cells

are used in regeneration of liver .These are replacement type stem cells which repair the damage caused to liver. In case of liver cirrhosis fibers replace the hepatic/liver cells .When the total volume of cells decrease below 33 % the complications start to develop. When we transfuse liver specific stem cells this diseased liver starts to regenerate and in 8 weeks this liver contains 80 % of liver cells and 20 % fibers. Success rate in this scenario is nearly 100 %. Plugin type of liver stem cells are used for hepatocellular carcinoma.

Brain specific stem cells

These are neural stem cells specific to convert into neurons. Replacement type neural stem cells repair damage in brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Plugin type neural stem cells are used in brain cancers and epilepsy

Kidney specific stem cells

These are renal specific stem cells. These are used in repair of kidney damage /Kidney failure. Replacement type kidney stem cells regenerate the kidney. In 4 to 6 months post stem cell the creatinine level of the patient falls below 4 hence stopping the need for dialysis.in coming 2 to 3 months this creatinine level drops below 1.3 and then permanently remains there. Plugin type of kidney stem cells are used in kidney tumors and carcinomas.

Stem Cell For diabetes

Organ specific stem cells for pancreatic tissue are used to regenerate insulin producing cells.
In about 4 months’ time the patient’s pancreases starts producing normal level of insulin hence hindering the need of anti-diabetics or exogenous insulin.
Same goes for other organs. Any type of organ damage can be repaired by its organ specific replacement stem cells. And any kind of carcinoma of any organ can be successfully treated with its organ specific plugin or Killer stem cells.

2015 Annual Report